Sunday, November 29, 2009

No more Afghanistan

The president is about to announce his strategy for Afghanistan. Information that have been released before his speech have indicated that he will increase the amount of troops to this war torn country.
We have been struggling in this country for eight years and counting. All of the experts say that we would have to be there for at least another 10 years in order to make a difference.
While we look at the current situation to see if it's worth any more of our military lives to deal for this unworthy effort. It is clear that Al Qaeda no longer have any base in this country list was the purpose for us going there in a first-place.
We have substantially been fighting against the Taliban who has been involved in a civil war against the central government of the nation. We believe that we should not be interfering in any civil war that don't concern the United States.
After 9/11 we have elevated Al Qaeda to the status in which they don't deserve. We know that they are not attached to any country in which we can fight with on the ground but a small group of bandits that is keeping the largest company fighting against other countries thinking that they are avenging the death of the many Americans that was killed on that day. It is clear that we've been living under that euphoria every since 9/11 happen.
The reality is that any time that you would have to take three hijacked planes and run them into a building as your main weapon against an established nation shows that the organization don't have the means or the opportunity to pose a threat to the United States. The two wars that we have perpetrated in the name of 9/11 does not serve the purpose of the people that died doing that day. The country of Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 in the small pockets of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan was defeated more than five years ago.
As the nation we should abandon our cavalier attitude about trying to protect the world and become more practical in our efforts in order to take care of our problems at home more than looking for enemies all over the world that doesn't have the power to fight against a country like the United States. We should not transfer our power over to a small band of criminals in order to show how strong we may be to the rest of the world.
My device for Pres. Obama is to pullout of Afghanistan as soon as possible in bring America back to their position as a thoughtful superpower in the world today.

The United States government have a large surplus of food in many of their warehouses that could be distributed through the proper organizations to serve the needs of the people. The government should also take in to consideration extending their food stamp program to include the number of people that is recently unemp...loyed due to the downturn in our economy. Thanks for listening!