Saturday, April 3, 2010

the war is over

The war is over for America and only the remnants of a failed policy from the Bush administration remains.
The way this blogger looks at it is that we have bogged down ourselves into foreign wars that was unnecessary to fight in the first place. These wars have cost a multitude of deaths among our soldiers in the people in which we were fighting. This country have spend their dollars in a fruitless effort to find a band of criminals who attacked us on 9/11.
We have expanded our war effort in the name of the industrial military complex so that we are now spending over $600 billion a year just to fund these misguided efforts while the country is going through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
The right strategy for Afghanistan is not to increase troop but do have some small strategic forces to root out the problem in the area but yet we insist on bigger is better in everything that we do. The previous administration in the current president tells us that we have to invest our troop lives and all of our money in fighting these criminals which never amounted to more than 10,000 misguided terrorist at any one time and yet the president insist on sending more than 100,000 troops just to fight the small bands of criminals in a Foreign land.
This blogger proposal is very clear in that United States should gradually turn all of these foreign wars over to the UN Security Council so that the world can participate in getting rid of these criminals of the world since everyone have a vested interest in vanquishing these terrorism wherever they may be found.
Since World War II the United States have had this maternal instinct to be the worlds police force while our economy suffers from spending all of their money on these misguided ventures.
The President of the United States should go to United Nations and all for a solution to all our problems I have no whole world to participate in get rid of these criminals because indeed affects the whole world in one way or the other. The United States should dissipate in these efforts but only as a partner rather than carrying a whole burden by itself.