Saturday, April 3, 2010

the war is over

The war is over for America and only the remnants of a failed policy from the Bush administration remains.
The way this blogger looks at it is that we have bogged down ourselves into foreign wars that was unnecessary to fight in the first place. These wars have cost a multitude of deaths among our soldiers in the people in which we were fighting. This country have spend their dollars in a fruitless effort to find a band of criminals who attacked us on 9/11.
We have expanded our war effort in the name of the industrial military complex so that we are now spending over $600 billion a year just to fund these misguided efforts while the country is going through the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression.
The right strategy for Afghanistan is not to increase troop but do have some small strategic forces to root out the problem in the area but yet we insist on bigger is better in everything that we do. The previous administration in the current president tells us that we have to invest our troop lives and all of our money in fighting these criminals which never amounted to more than 10,000 misguided terrorist at any one time and yet the president insist on sending more than 100,000 troops just to fight the small bands of criminals in a Foreign land.
This blogger proposal is very clear in that United States should gradually turn all of these foreign wars over to the UN Security Council so that the world can participate in getting rid of these criminals of the world since everyone have a vested interest in vanquishing these terrorism wherever they may be found.
Since World War II the United States have had this maternal instinct to be the worlds police force while our economy suffers from spending all of their money on these misguided ventures.
The President of the United States should go to United Nations and all for a solution to all our problems I have no whole world to participate in get rid of these criminals because indeed affects the whole world in one way or the other. The United States should dissipate in these efforts but only as a partner rather than carrying a whole burden by itself.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

No more politicians

Today I am very frustrated because It's clear that the politicians are playing games with the current health-care bill.
I have always rooted for the Democratic Party to do the right thing when it comes to having some integrity concerning doing what's right for the nation. I have always thought that Republican Party never really had the welfare of the nation in mine. Now you can imagine my disbelief when it became clear that there's no difference between the two parties.
As far as I'm concerned both of them are prostitutes to the big money and the interest of the company's that get them elected every year. The Democrats have caved in on the drug import bill only shows me that they are the same type of hookers that hang out on the corner trying to solicit anybody that would pay them two dollars unworthy services but at least the hookers have occurs too wear high heels while they do their work of screwing America.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How long, to long

As the nation is going through this recession the minority community wonders if this country will ever get around to acknowledging the contributions that minority people in general and black people in particular have played in the growth of this nation.
Minority people have rallied behind Pres. Obama in his efforts to turn the country around from the mess that he have inherited from the last administration. However even at that the Pres. haven't addressed any of the problems that have affected this particular community. It has been acknowledged that the unemployment rate is at 10% for most of the nation but in the black community the employment rate is at 17 to 25% and under employment is even higher than that.
Here is one sobering thought, a black person in America only makes about 7 cent in comparison to it's white counterpart dollar and with a statistical like this one you can clearly see the disparity between the two communities in terms of their economic power.
Minority people have always been called on to share in the sacrifice when the country is in crisis and to share their blood in defense of a circumspect nation in every war that the country have ventured into. It is apparent when the country began to enjoy any prosperity the politicians quickly forget about the sacrifice that this community make towards the security of this country.
It is clear as America comes out of this economic downturn and to look for the better future this blogger suggest that instead of the country sending our troops to Afghanistan it should be taken that money and sending it to places like the beleaguered communities of Chicago and Oakland California that have a large minority population who desperately needs any kind of relief that would be offered. If the government would allow only $50 billion to these communities in terms of loans and grants to the minority constituents it would see a marked difference in the prosperity of the United States.
We have heard about all of the bailouts that the Government have given to our big banks and other industries but yet there's never time will government consider given a bailout to minority communities. The minority people in the United States isn't asking for a handout but only their fair share of the prosperity after so many years of degradation. So the question still remains how long the government was still ignore this profound problem in this blogger's mind it has already been too long.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

No more Afghanistan

The president is about to announce his strategy for Afghanistan. Information that have been released before his speech have indicated that he will increase the amount of troops to this war torn country.
We have been struggling in this country for eight years and counting. All of the experts say that we would have to be there for at least another 10 years in order to make a difference.
While we look at the current situation to see if it's worth any more of our military lives to deal for this unworthy effort. It is clear that Al Qaeda no longer have any base in this country list was the purpose for us going there in a first-place.
We have substantially been fighting against the Taliban who has been involved in a civil war against the central government of the nation. We believe that we should not be interfering in any civil war that don't concern the United States.
After 9/11 we have elevated Al Qaeda to the status in which they don't deserve. We know that they are not attached to any country in which we can fight with on the ground but a small group of bandits that is keeping the largest company fighting against other countries thinking that they are avenging the death of the many Americans that was killed on that day. It is clear that we've been living under that euphoria every since 9/11 happen.
The reality is that any time that you would have to take three hijacked planes and run them into a building as your main weapon against an established nation shows that the organization don't have the means or the opportunity to pose a threat to the United States. The two wars that we have perpetrated in the name of 9/11 does not serve the purpose of the people that died doing that day. The country of Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11 in the small pockets of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan was defeated more than five years ago.
As the nation we should abandon our cavalier attitude about trying to protect the world and become more practical in our efforts in order to take care of our problems at home more than looking for enemies all over the world that doesn't have the power to fight against a country like the United States. We should not transfer our power over to a small band of criminals in order to show how strong we may be to the rest of the world.
My device for Pres. Obama is to pullout of Afghanistan as soon as possible in bring America back to their position as a thoughtful superpower in the world today.

The United States government have a large surplus of food in many of their warehouses that could be distributed through the proper organizations to serve the needs of the people. The government should also take in to consideration extending their food stamp program to include the number of people that is recently unemp...loyed due to the downturn in our economy. Thanks for listening!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Beyond the waterfall

I'm listing my second book on this page because it has been out for more than a year now. I will like for everyone to take a look at what is an amazing story especially for your children. Because we are suffering such economic times something as good as an excellent book for your child would be the very thing that you may consider over the holidays. The book is called, "Beyond the waterfall,"in which you can buy through I would like to inform our readers that Iwill set up a direct account through my blog. so that she would be with the purchase all of my works directly.

Friday, October 16, 2009

Beginning of a journey

As the Chinese people say to begin a journey you have to start with the first step. My first step is to inform you that there are some exciting things that is coming your way concerning many other companies novels that will be posted on this blog site. Under the Black Galaxy Publishing Company you can find the following title of some of the previous books that we have released. The Black Rose Murder, a Jason Justice novel. This is a sizzling novel about a sophisticated detective who deals with major crime in the San Francisco Bay area. Jason Justice have a moral sense to chase down the criminals and to bring them to justice. He also has a thing for the ladies as he tries to balance his life between his work in the company of his female companions.