Tuesday, December 15, 2009

How long, to long

As the nation is going through this recession the minority community wonders if this country will ever get around to acknowledging the contributions that minority people in general and black people in particular have played in the growth of this nation.
Minority people have rallied behind Pres. Obama in his efforts to turn the country around from the mess that he have inherited from the last administration. However even at that the Pres. haven't addressed any of the problems that have affected this particular community. It has been acknowledged that the unemployment rate is at 10% for most of the nation but in the black community the employment rate is at 17 to 25% and under employment is even higher than that.
Here is one sobering thought, a black person in America only makes about 7 cent in comparison to it's white counterpart dollar and with a statistical like this one you can clearly see the disparity between the two communities in terms of their economic power.
Minority people have always been called on to share in the sacrifice when the country is in crisis and to share their blood in defense of a circumspect nation in every war that the country have ventured into. It is apparent when the country began to enjoy any prosperity the politicians quickly forget about the sacrifice that this community make towards the security of this country.
It is clear as America comes out of this economic downturn and to look for the better future this blogger suggest that instead of the country sending our troops to Afghanistan it should be taken that money and sending it to places like the beleaguered communities of Chicago and Oakland California that have a large minority population who desperately needs any kind of relief that would be offered. If the government would allow only $50 billion to these communities in terms of loans and grants to the minority constituents it would see a marked difference in the prosperity of the United States.
We have heard about all of the bailouts that the Government have given to our big banks and other industries but yet there's never time will government consider given a bailout to minority communities. The minority people in the United States isn't asking for a handout but only their fair share of the prosperity after so many years of degradation. So the question still remains how long the government was still ignore this profound problem in this blogger's mind it has already been too long.

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